Home Contact About Birding Birds From the Archives Reviews Trips Home Contact About Birding Birds From the Archives Reviews Trips Birding Birds The Changing Fortunes of Europe’s Vultures Part 1 May 26, 2024 by a Guest 3 Comments By Clive Finlayson Growing up in Gibraltar , it is impossible not to notice large birds of prey , in the thousands , overhead . That , and his fatherâ s influence , got Clive hooked on birds from a very young age . His passion for birds took him eventually to the Edward Grey Institute of Field Ornithology at Oxford University where he read for a DPhil , working with swifts and pallid swifts . Pu blishing papers , articles , and books on birds aside , Clive is also a keen bird photographer . He started as a poor student with an old Zenit camera and a 400 mm lens